Opening a CC file on the iPad                                           Back To Top

To open CueChronicle projects on your iPad download the Free FileMaker GO 17 app from the app store onto your iPad.

There a 2 ways to use FM_GO with CC. 
1. Load a registered CC file onto your iPad and open it. (
Key Code Required)
       Files can be transferred using iTunes or iCloud.
2. Log onto a hosted file. (No Key Code Required)

These instruction refer to #1. ( see Networking for #2)

The file on your iPad is a copy of the original file. Changes made to it will not be reflected in the original file. You can transfer the iPad copy back to your computer using iTunes. 

The file you will load onto your iPad needs to be a CPU or USB registered file, demos will not open on the iPad. The registered file can be created by any CC registered user.

Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes.Select your iPad.

iTunes iPad Button

Add the CC file to the FileMaker Go documents list.

iPad | iTunes Add File

On the iPad open the email with your iPad key code and copy it.
Close Mail an open FileMaker GO.
The file you just loaded will be in the Files on the Device tab (#1).
Tap the file to open it (#2).

FMGO device button

If the file has not been opened on this device before you will need to register it using
you iPad key code.
      Skip to the next section if you don't have an iPad key code yet.

Enter your First & Last names and paste in your iPad key code.
Tap the Register button.

iPad Enter KC

The file is now registered and will remain registered to this device along with the other devices it's been registered on.

iPad Reg Confirmed

If you have already purchased CCv4 or CCv5 and haven't received your iPad key code yet, tap the Get Key Code button.

Fill out the required fields and send out the email. After you receive your iPad key code 
re-open the file and use it to register the file as described above.

Copy the CC file onto your iCloud Drive. The on the iPad open FileMaker Go and select the Device tab at the bottom. Then tap the download folder top left 

iPad Browse

Under Locations on the left tap iCloud. Then tap the CC file icon to download it to your device.

iPad Icloud

The file on your iPad is a copy of the original file. Changes made to it will not be reflected in the original file. You can transfer the iPad copy back to your computer using iTunes.

© Vincent Cirilli 2024