Trouble opening CCv4 Files Back To Top
If you are a CCv5 user and you are having trouble opening CCv4 files.You are probably getting this prompt.
Most likely the issue is that your CCv4 registration file was not created properly.
Try the procedure below and see if it resolves the issue.
Open your: Applications > CueChronicle v5 Folder > CCStartTemplate v5
It needs to be registered. (How do I register it ? )
registered CC Start template will display the device that it is
registered to, as shown below. Either CPU or USB depending on your
registered device.
When you used your key code to register the CC Start Template a CCv4 folder should also have been created in your Applications folder. The file in that folder allows you to open CCv4 files. If that file was not created or is corrupt then this might be why you are having issues.
From the Start Templates Utility Menu Select - Replace CCv4 Reg File…
Select OK at the confirmation dialog.
Then use the OPEN button to browse to and open the CCv4 file.
Still having issues email